Tuesday, February 05, 2013

What Volatility?

The TV ad that perplexes me the most at the moment is that ad for a bank or super fund that starts with something like, "do you wonder how all this volatility will affect your savings/super.

What volatility?  The unemployment rate hardly changes month to month and is remarkably low by world standards. Ditto interest rates.  Many Australians still take overseas holidays at whim, coffee shops and other purveyors of indulgence abound, indeed proliferate.  An Australian over the age of 10 without a smart phone would be hard to find.

So where's the volatility?

Mostly in the pages of the main stream media- MSM- seems to be the answer. Negativity and the promotion of it, sells newspapers and reports of how the government is quietly and efficiently going about the business of good government does not.

Tony Abbott certainly has tapped a rich vein with his Dr. No impersonation but will he last till Sept 14 or is the situation more volatile than that?