The Tank is a receptacle for the ramblings of a resident of Kangaroo Valley, NSW, Australia. It is unapologetically left-of-centre and concentrates on matters of Social Justice, Human Rights and the Environment.
Monday, December 25, 2006
STOP PRESS: Non-Cricketer Wins Two Years in Row
But no, The Tank's 2006 Australian Father of the Year is not a cricketer. However he also has been working hard to effect a repatriation, that of his son David from the Most Powerful Nation on Earth's gulag, Guantanamo Bay.
Of course that man is last year's winner, Terry Hicks.
No son could have asked for a more courageous and dedicated father who for five long years has battled to save his son from the tortures that are been inflicted upon him by the cowardly Neo-Cons of the Whitehouse.
Well done Terry.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Oils Ain’t No Oils
No we will not intervene in the coup in aid of the democratically elected government. That would be tantamount to an invasion. “We don’t do that.”
Breathtaking stuff. Ask the people of Iraq if Australia invades other countries.
Oops! Silly me. I forgot the unwritten subtext that, by now, I should have picked up on.
I should have understood, “No oil, no help”.
Babies and Bathwater: the difference explained.
Of course we now know what the government says it didn't know (but should have). ie that AWB was paying kickbacks to purchasers, in particular Saddam Hussein, in contravention of UN sanctions on pre-invasion Iraq.
This was disgraceful, immoral and more than likely illegal but does it mean that the single desk policy is fundamentally flawed? The farmers love it. They see it as ensuring that they have the strength in the marketplace to compete with the big boys, Canada and the US.
The single desk concept is not so different to the way trade unions negotiate favourable wages and conditions outcomes for their members. Or did pre-Work Choices.
By not allowing wheat buyers to pick off the weakest or most desperate farmers first and so set an inadequately low floor price, the single desk policy ensures that Aussie farmers get the best returns for their labours.
For the next six months we are to have the Minister behind a single desk acting as a kind of government appointed farmer's union leader but at the same time the same government is busy telling us that trade unions are passe and that workers will achieve better wage outcomes under its deregulated Work Choices system.
Let's keep the single desk and the union movement and toss out AWB and Work Choices. And the current Federal Government.
A Nice Little Earner
Her name and notoriety mean she will have to spend nothing from her own pocket on election advertising whilst at the same time picking up the election funding provided by the Australian Electoral Commission for candidates who poll more than 4% of the primary vote; a likely result for her. Registered political parties are entitled to election funding where an endorsed candidate or Senate group receives at least 4% of the total formal first preference votes.
Independent candidates and Senate groups are also entitled to election funding if they receive 4% of the vote. For more info click here.
At $2.05 per vote she can pick up a cool $200,000 by getting just 4% of the vote in her home state of Queensland if she ran for the Senate.As long as her (limited) popularity stays above 4% she can do this indefinelty.
Expect to see much more of Pauline Hanson, professional losing politician, over the next decade or so.
Christmas Fare for a Christmas Unfair
Email him at
While your at it you might like to also ask him when David can expect to enjoy a Christmas at home here in Australia with his loved ones.I'll publish his reply as soon as I get one.
Joanna To Resign?
Murray's Beach was selected some decades ago as the site for our second reactor and some construction work was begun. It has a number of unique features which make it's re-selection more than likely-
1. It has a deepwater port
2. It is within ACT territory and so would not be subject to a challenge from a State government
3. It is next to HMAS Creswell and so has inbuilt security against nuclear terrorism, a very real possibility.
Given the likelihood that a re-elected Liberal-National coalition government would commence a domestic nuclear industry and that the Shoalhaven is in at least the top 25 sites, perhaps Ms Gash should be asked to reaffirm her committment to resign or better still, asked how she could possibly guarantee a reactor would not be built here. Email Joanna at
Not Sinking, Water Rising
What was expected to be over in a few short weeks has now dragged on since March 19 2003, with no possible end in sight according to retired General Tommy Franks who led the initial invasion.
More than 2900 US soldiers have been killed and more than 22,000 injured. An estimated 356 Iraqi security forces and civilians have died in the first week of December alone.
In total over 100,000 Iraqis may have died. (British Medical Journal, The Lancet)
Total final cost (if there ever is an end) is projected at US$ 3 trillion.
Whilst the concept of the Captain going down with the ship is admirable, taking so many innocent others with him is inexcuseable.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Another Ace Up His Sleeve
- He refused to condemn Pauline Hanson on the grounds that as a politician in a democracy she had the right to express her views. This was code to any racist worth their pointy white hood that he secretly shares her opinions on Aborigines, immigrants etc.
- "We decide who comes and the manner in which they come" was actually code for "If you intrinsically distrust foreigners as much as I do then vote for me"
- 'Children Overboard!' was code for 'these illegal immigrants don't even love their children; they are less than human; vote for me'
- 'Saddam has got WMDs' was code for '(Non-Anglo) World leaders we don't like have no moral scruples, let's get 'em'. Of course this neatly ignores the American use of napalm in Vietnam and radioactive ammunition in both Iraq wars, not to mention cluster bombs, the Daisy Cutter bomb etc.
Now the latest card from the PM's stacked deck is the idea of installing 'Chaplains' in schools. What a coincidence that this initiative is trotted out immediately following Sheik Hilali's silly and offensive statements about gender roles which disgraced himself and his followers.
The title 'Chaplain' was deliberately chosen by the PM. It is a word always associated with the Christian religion and no other. If he had sought to be inclusive of all religions he could have come up with a generic title such as 'spiritual advisor'. He chose not to.
The subtext here is plain- 'If you too believe that Muslims are a pack of rapists and terrorists, vote for me'.
It's all part of his 'divide and rule' strategy. The more division and distrust he can propagate, the more fearful the average citizen becomes and the more the fearful will look to the dealer to deal them a winning hand.
But if, like me, your not happy with the cards you are being dealt then perhaps it's time to consider installing a new dealer; with a new deck. Why let the Joker ruin the game? Roll on the next Federal election.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Another Milestone for Humanity
What a great achivement. Imagine the stimulus to the US economy as its factories churn out replacements for all those bullets, artillery shells and missiles.
How long till $ 666,666,666,666 ticks over?
Will we be twice as safe when that happens?
Will a boy named Damien be elected President of the World before then?
How many Iraqis will have died at at that point?
Stay tuned.
The View from the Other Side of the Fence
We should be afraid or at the very least be concerned, they say, since North Korea is in our area of the world and its' leader is nutty enough to do something silly with his new toy.
As much as I would like to jump on the 'let's do something about this disturbing situation' bandwaggon I can't help but wonder how my feelings of disquiet about the danger of Kim Jong Il's new toy stacks up against the unmitigated fear and terror that the average Iraqi must have felt in the weeks and months before the bombing and invasion of their country by the Coalition of the Willing.
Everything is relative I suppose but more than that it is subject to the perspective of the interpretor. We are, in some small way, in danger from a brain explosion by the leader of Nth Korea as he seeks to push his point of view.
The people of Iraq were, to a much greater extent, subjected to the threat of invasion; sorry liberation, by the Neo-Cons of the Whitehouse who, whilst not using any of their already existing huge arsenal of nuclear weapons, had at their disposal the most sophisticated array of 'conventional' weapons the world has ever seen.
Which of the beligerants acted out their threat? So far only the US and its pals, including Australia, have actually used military force to try and achieve a desired political outcome.
In the process 100,000 Iraqis are said to have died in the liberation and democratisation of their country. The toll mounts daily.
Kim Jong Il is probably a nutter but has so far not been responsible for a single casuality outside his own country.
The US has bombed 28 countries since the end of WW II.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The Late Mail from Capt. Arthur Phillip
Arrived in the most beautiful and accomodating of harbours today. Ashore we encountered a most hospitable race of citizens of this bountiful land. Their obviously harmonious relationship with their environment is breathtakingly simple at first examination but incredibly complex in detail.
The crew and myself, having witnessed the idyllic lifestyle of the locals, have decided to adopt their customs and language. Common good manners would, in any case, deem this course of action appropriate.
Hosted a ceremony today to declare a bark humpy as 'Government House'. As it was a 'bring a plate' affair the Terra Nullians brought generous supplies of delicious game meats and berries. I must say we felt rather overwhelmed and inadequate with our megre contribution of mouldy bread and rum. Still the local chief's pleasure when I addressed him as "Governor" proved a suitable distracion and face-saver.
I am gradually getting the hang of the local language. I think that we will learn it more quickly and efficiently if we speak exclusively in Terra Nullian. Will issue ban on English speaking tommorrow.
The rest of the New Terra Nullians, except one, have enthusiastically endorsed my ban on English. It's a delight to see them engaging in conversation with the locals as they ask directions on cooking wallaby or detoxifying berries. Will disipline young Seaman Howard tonight and remind him that we are the guests of the Terra Nullians. They have been completely accepting of us and we should do likewise. If they had called us names like 'wog' or 'dago' or 'chink' then I would be the first to agree that we should refuse to integrate but their complete hospitality and interest in us and our customs means we have a duty to reciprocate.
This will be my last entry. Since the Terra Nullians are an oral culture and know nothing of the written word, we have decided to adopt this aspect of their culture also. We are the new chums after all and the only way we can expect future new arrivals to do likewise is to set an example for them to follow.
Yours in service of the Mother Earth,
Warramullungadatta, formerly Arthur Phillip, Capt. (ret)
Saturday, September 02, 2006
A Case for Segregation (from Me)
It’s often an education too; the afternoon train. Almost every trip gives a new insight into Australian culture and this trip was to be no exception.
I found a seat and pulled the school’s laptop from its bag to do some lesson preparation when four very giggly young girls of about 15-17 y.o. plonked themselves in the double seat, one seat over from me.
After a day of coping with only sometimes giggly schoolgirls, the prospect of spending the next hour adjacent to this four did not thrill me but it could be worse I told myself. I could have fluked a return performance of the young woman who insisted on talking loudly to her friend about the idiosyncrasies of fellow passengers. Fortunately she never got to me.
How wrong I was. Instead I was to discover that these four young Ozzie ladies had been out sex-aid shopping and were so excited by their adventure that over the next hour they couldn’t wait to rip open the packets and discuss the contents and their application/use in graphic detail.
The fact that another 20 or so passengers of all ages co-habited the upper level of the carriage with them fazed them not one little bit.
Their leader, an about 17 y.o. in fishnet stockings with designer holes, was in fine form and professed to know all about each.
“Why are they made like that,” she was asked about the first item, a pair of crotchless nickers held above head height so that my by now deliberately averted gaze could not help get a fleeting glimpse.
“It’s all about access,” was the reply from the expert.
It was going to be a long trip. I buried my head in my computer and sought visual solitude in a game of Solitaire but unfortunately, without earplugs, my ears were to be privy to a discussion that ranged from masturbation to the virtues of anal sex, from a man’s point of view of course.
All this was interspersed with much giggling and the tearing open of the packets containing various other objects including a lubricant, which they all tried on their hands and faces, followed by a vibrator which was switched on and off while Little Miss Fishnet gave a graphic explanation of its use and, for all I know, a demonstration to boot.
Several times one of the girls asked a question which LMF deemed naïve. Her reply was invariably, “We’ve just got to get you laid.”
When one of their number dared to caution some restraint in their behaviour LMF declared to one and all, “I can say what I like. I’m not embarrassed, I’ve got a cockring.” To prove it she held up a circular rubber object of which once again my eyes unfortunately caught a fleeting glimpse.
“I’ve been watching porn at home since I was 11,” was another of her proud assertions.
Fortunately two of their number received mobile calls during the journey and I overheard them tell a parent that their train would be in at 5.18. I was due to alight at Berry at precisely that time. Could my luck have changed? Were they too getting off at Berry? Would I have the opportunity to speak to a parent and tell him/her what their little darling had really been doing this fine day?
Well that’s exactly what I did. I suspect that at least one of them is now grounded for a considerable period of time. I don’t hold much hope for LMF. I suspect the worst of her home life I’m afraid.
The PM, the 50’s child who never grew up, apparently thinks that Muslims in Australia should make a bigger effort to assimilate. Presumably they should more quickly and fully adopt Ozzie ways and values.
The Mahatma Gandhi travelled India by train to discover “Mother India” from the grassroots up before embarking on his quest for Indian independence from Mother England.
Perhaps the PM would do well to try the 4 o’clock from Wollongong before telling us that Ozzie culture is intrinsically superior to Islamic culture.
There’s at least one Mother in Berry who would probably agree with me.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
An Honest Bastard
Hence the Democrats catchcry, "Keep the Bastards Honest", which Mr Chipp used to great effect. In the lexicon of Australian politics it ranks with "It's Time" and "Reds under the Bed". The Australian Democrats achieved great success under his leadership and in the years following by selling us the idea that the bastards could in fact be kept honest. Perhaps they were right at the time.
Unfortunately the modern Australia is fast becoming a 'first in, best dressed', 'if they believe it, it's true' kind of place where old fashioned honesty and the concept of a 'fair go' is not the bedrock on which our leaders' characters are built.
The fast-fading Democrats might do well to adopt the slogan inherent in our profile pic, "Stand up to the Bastards".
Our Cinderella Man
He must be home by midnight, not leave home again before 5am, report to a police station three times a week and not speak to a variety of people including Osama Bin Laden. Presumably failure to do so will see his Fairy Godfather, Phillip Ruddock, turn him into a pumpkin.
Excuse me for laughing but if Mr Thomas really is the single most dangerous person in the country then why isn't he being watched 25/7. Can we really risk him being let roam free for up to 2 days at a time. I'm not particularly clever but I reckon in 2 days I could do a lot of damage if I was of a mind to and didn't care too much about my own safety.
On the other hand if he is also being watched continuously then why do we need him to report to police thrice weekly. We would know where he is at all times.
As for not contacting Bin Laden they may as well insisted that he not have lunch with The Queen. It's about as likely and equally impossible I would have thought. But it makes him sound dangerous doesn't it? He may have Osama's mobile number on the inside of a shirt collar somewhere so he must be a terrorist. Give us a break.
I smell a rat and his name is Phil, the Minister for (the creation of) Fear and Loathing.
This whole thing is nothing more than a political stunt to demonise Mr Thomas so that we of the (they think) compliant populace will fall for more of the Government's all the way with GWB bullshit.
Having said all that, Mr Thomas may very well be dangerous but covert surveillence by ASIO is more likely to curb any of his undesirable activities rather than this very public and very useless "be home by midnight or else" nonsense.
Monday, August 21, 2006
The race from the bottom.
Whilst not wanting to downplay the obvious gravity of this particular situation and its tragic consequences, I for one am wearying a little from the whining negativity of the Opposition Leader and his calls for heads to roll and the laclustre responses of the Premier.
Expect to see many more similar media events as the race to be the second least charasmatic and confidence inspiring would-be-Premier hots up.
I'm inclined to do a Richard Pryor next March and "Vote None of the Above".
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Native Species Benefit from Weed Removal

President of the South Coast Native Protection League, Mr Murray Grey, says extensive clearing of privet, Madeira vine and other weeds has created the ideal habitat for ‘Kike’ and ‘3% Butterfat’ as they are affectionately known.
"In particular the black and white morph of Taurus australis and Kike seem to have a symbiotic relationship,” he observed.
"It's not often you find a complete ecosystem comprised of only two species. Further clearing of some of the invasive growth of Eucalyptus exotica, Toona pacifica etc would assist this unique duo to flourish," he said.
"Everyone knows that Toona belong in the sea," he concluded.
To learn the Truth About Cows- click here
Friday, August 18, 2006
What a Difference a Day Makes
Five hundred Australians died in the war to protect Vietnam from reunification with the Communist North and many more still suffer the lingering effects of both their participation in that war and the shunning many received when they returned.
His apology demonstrated his commitment to righting that particular wrong.
Last May 26, National Sorry Day, the PM did not say sorry to the tens of thousands of his fellow (Aboriginal) Australians who have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the white de-unification of this country. Enough said.
The Tank's 2005 Australian of the Year

Has any father done more for his child than Adelaide man, Terry Hicks?
Faced with the daunting prospect of challenging the self-appointed authority of the most powerful nation on Earth, Terry has consistently taken the fight to the Bush Administration in an effort to win justice for his son, David, now into his fifth year of illegal incarceration (and torture) at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Of course David is still there, despite his father’s best efforts, largely because of the complicity of our Howard Administration as it seeks to milk David’s misfortune for all the votes it is worth.
So Terry has been fighting with one hand tied behind his back as at every turn for the better in David’s prospects Howard, Downer and Ruddock make wild assertions as to David’s guilt in contradiction of the democratic principle that an accused is innocent till proven guilty.
Keep fighting Terry. We hope David is home and free soon.