Friday, August 18, 2006

What a Difference a Day Makes

Today, Vietnam Veterans Day, our PM quite rightly said sorry on behalf of his Government for the treatment to which Vietnam Vets were subjected on their return home from that contentious conflict.
Five hundred Australians died in the war to protect Vietnam from reunification with the Communist North and many more still suffer the lingering effects of both their participation in that war and the shunning many received when they returned.
His apology demonstrated his commitment to righting that particular wrong.

Last May 26, National Sorry Day, the PM did not say sorry to the tens of thousands of his fellow (Aboriginal) Australians who have suffered and continue to suffer as a result of the white de-unification of this country. Enough said.


Chris Mansell said...

It was also the 40th anniversary of the Wave Hill walk out. It would have been fitting if John Howard had apologised to the Aboriginal people on that day. It could have truly been sorry day. He missed his opportunity.

Congratulations on the blog by the way.

Unknown said...

Thanks Chris. It's our aim to get a few things off our chests that newspapers and other media refuse to tell us plus provide a forum for rational debate on real issues. ie not mortgage rates or the price of petrol.