Has any father done more for his child than Adelaide man, Terry Hicks?
Faced with the daunting prospect of challenging the self-appointed authority of the most powerful nation on Earth, Terry has consistently taken the fight to the Bush Administration in an effort to win justice for his son, David, now into his fifth year of illegal incarceration (and torture) at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Of course David is still there, despite his father’s best efforts, largely because of the complicity of our Howard Administration as it seeks to milk David’s misfortune for all the votes it is worth.
So Terry has been fighting with one hand tied behind his back as at every turn for the better in David’s prospects Howard, Downer and Ruddock make wild assertions as to David’s guilt in contradiction of the democratic principle that an accused is innocent till proven guilty.
Keep fighting Terry. We hope David is home and free soon.
I am deeply saddened by the realisation that David has been abandoned by the people who hold the key to his returning home sooner rather than later.
I saw Major Michael Mori interviewed on the ABC's Denton programme and was moved by his confession of having a photo of David along with his son as a screensaver on his home computer. I believe he even told his son that he "would never give up on David".
It is time for David to be returned home. Enough is enough.
Dear The Tank,
My partner and I also feel strongly for Terry Hicks and his current situation. We have decided to raise money for the cause by auctioning a portrait of Terry on Ebay which ends Nov 10.
If there is anything you can do to help, we would greatly appreciate it.
Best regards
Diarne Wiercinski
I remember when another Aussie was in hot water in China some years ago,Francis James.As a show of support australians were encouraged to send christmas cards to him.Delivered they would give him hope that he was not forgotten. Withheld ,they would be a constant embarrasement to authorities as they wouldn't know what to do with them.
What is Davids address. Post it up and ask for cards to be sent.
regards ,Paul Walker
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